I hope you enjoyed this little excursion, and while perhaps not as thrilling as Indy-by-a-famous landmark, it seemed entirely appropriate and happened quite by accident!
The idea of a 'comic' came about because of:
1) How do you justify Indy driving around in a Republic of Hatay tank?
2) Get some "paparazzi" shots of Indy with bikini babe
3) Give Indy an out-of-this-world adventure by launching him in a rocket!
Since I was doing #1, why not give a look at some other new vehicles from Hatay! I tired of the over-priced, under-detailed VW Kubelwagens from 21st Century and Minichamps, I finally procured a 1/16 model by Tamiya. Though slightly oversized the details were superb. (And maybe the figures would fit) The 'real' Kubel is barely seen in TLC, so I also made a 'fake' Kubel. Both vehicles 'star' in the comic, and Indy ended up driving the robust 'fake' VW since he would probably have broken the steering column of the Tamiya kit.
MDP78 had commented on how over dressed Indy looked when placed on a beach with lovely tropical breezes. So the idea came of a 'tourist Indy' figure wearing a loud Hawaiian shirt and Bermuda shorts. In the end I had to keep the hat just to show it was Indy!
Well I am surprised #3 has not caused a stir. That really was Indy flying in that rocket! I did a test flight - everything OK.
Here's my 'test dummy'.

However, the flight was not without risk. The only rocket I had that would accommodate Indy was the Estes Silver Comet. This is a 'D' engine rocket but at least its height would be limited by its size - it's a pretty big model rocket that reaches maybe 500-600 feet altitude.
Indy with 'chute.

Packed for flight.....

When a model rocket reaches apogee, a little black powder charge fires to eject the nose cone and parachute. Any contents in the rocket tube must wear protection from this blast! Here is TIndy wrapped up like a mummy with flame-proof 'wading' paper.

And here is TIndy packed into the rocket tube!

Now comes the actual flight - and here comes a walker with dog! Hold that flight. Don't want to have to circulate a dog-chewed Indy!
All clear!
Launch! Set up camera... GO
Flight is perfect!
Recovery parachute for rocket is deployed!
Recovery parachute for TIndy is deployed!
Rocket lands as planned!
Where is Indy?

Indy is floating away on the breeze! If I was nervous before, I'm sh*tting bricks now! He is going waaaaaaay over the hills!

Indy could land in a tree! A bog! Get lost in the bushes! A stream! Or float away forever! With heart pounding I take a sighting on a distant tree as Indy vanishes over the hill!
I set off. Climb the fence. Find the rocket.

Is that Indy?

It is !

And he's safe!

OMG I can breathe again!
Traveling Indy Page 1
Traveling Indy Page 2
Traveling Indy The Comic
Traveling Indy The Comic Page 2
Traveling Indy The Comic Page 3
Traveling Indy The Comic - Behind the scenes

Do you like military models? Nick's Model Tanks
Do you like Indiana Jones? Then take a moment to visit my sister page, Indiana Jones and the Quest for the Perfect Toy!
Do you like Star Wars? Then take a moment to visit my sister page, Custom Star Wars

**All images on this site are the property
of Nick Turner. If you like them then link to my site, don't steal them!**